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Human performance is the result of factors you need to be measuring.

Even a great People Strategy won't work unless you measure the things that affect people. Using The Culture MRI®, we assess the 15 scientific factors that determine workplace performance, so you can keep your people motivated.

Industry experts have called it "the richest culture assessment in existence."

Our dashboard shows you exactly why employees are engaged or not. But that's just the start. Next we give you clear, simple action plans that work. Watch disengagement plummet while bottom-line productivity soars.

Measure the factors that drive culture
Discover issues hiding in plain sight
Create meaningful change and build an
amazing workplace.

Assess. Analyze. Activate.

The Culture MRI®

Introducing The Culture MRI®

Most senior executives don't understand the nuances of their Employee Value Proposition. We put it all in a dashboard.

Your employees won't tell you what it's really like to work at your company.

First we collect scientific data about your unique culture using a proprietary assessment that takes about 6 minutes to complete.

We diagnose all the details about your culture in the dashboard, with clear steps to help you attract, retain, and engage the top talent.

Monthly touchpoint calls are included with your 12-month subscription, guiding you to a more engaged, productive culture!

How The Culture MRI® Works

Watch performance skyrocket

Get the dashboard

Monitor your culture

Category-leading brands across dozens of industries use The Culture MRI® to raise performance and reduce disengagement costs.

Companies Around The World Trust The Culture MRI®

“Talent is everything to our company. And The Culture MRI™ is an important part of our talent strategy.”

Lindy Ware

CEO Pegasus Residential

Category-leading brands across dozens of industries use The Culture MRI® to raise performance and reduce disengagement costs.

Companies Around The World Trust The Culture MRI®

"I wish I'd had The Culture MRI™ 20 years ago."

Joel Manby

Former CEO of SeaWorld

Category-leading brands across dozens of industries use The Culture MRI™ to raise performance and reduce disengagement costs.

Companies Around The World Trust The Culture MRI™

"The most comprehensive culture assessment in existence."

Brooke Hempell

Research and Analytics Expert

Category-leading brands across dozens of industries use The Culture MRI™ to raise performance and reduce disengagement costs.

Companies Around The World Trust The Culture MRI™

"This is by far the best system for understanding and creating culture. These guys finally figured it out!!"

Tim Nersesian

PMP at Clark

Category-leading brands across dozens of industries use The Culture MRI™ to raise performance and reduce disengagement costs.

Companies Around The World Trust The Culture MRI™

Now you can manage culture using tangible data that you track in real time!

What's Your Culture Worth?

The dashboard includes our Return-On-Labor Calculator® which shows the actual dollar-value of each factor that shapes culture in your company. This helps you budget for culture and monitor the ROI on investments to improve the workplace. No more guessing about culture!

The Return-on-Labor Calculator®

Discover What Drives
You At Work