Inside this book, you will learn:

  • How to measure culture in terms of actual dollars!
  • How to attract and retain the absolute BEST employees!
  • How to manage the performance and profitability of your culture!

When it comes to culture, most leaders are guessing. Even engagement surveys fail to deliver a conclusive plan of action. It doesn’t have to be this way! The psychology of work is a known science. This book presents the scientific framework that has unleashed millions in lost profitability for companies in healthcare, manufacturing, finance, foodservice, and more.

Transform Your Leadership with Proven Strategies

Transform Your Leadership with Proven Strategies

Maslow, as you may recall, was the psychologist who observed that our motivations in life are entirely dependent on our station in life. Basically, hungry people yearn for food, fed people yearn for meaning, and so on. As a global workforce, we’ve been climbing slowly up Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs since the beginning of civilization. The vast majority of human effort throughout that time has been fueled by basic survival needs: food, shelter, clothing, etc. However, the past century has seen monumental changes. Today’s workers are much more evolved, and that makes today’s workplace much more complex. How do you motivate people to perform basic tasks inside an organization when the true hunger in their soul is to experience social connection, or to build better mousetraps, or to change the world? How do you connect those dots so the organization can keep churning forward? These are the questions upon which the future of the workplace pivots. Those who discover the answers and solve the riddles will build kingdoms. Those who don’t will perish, abandoned by a workforce that has moved on.

Maslow was Right.

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Ben has directed projects for The Drucker Institute, Ken Blanchard, John Maxwell, Henry Cloud and Tony Robbins, while shaping culture for companies like UPS, Delta, Salesforce, and Chick-fil-A. Today, Ortlip’s landmark findings are distilled into The Culture MRI®, a system for measuring culture and building a sought-after workplace that maximizes performance and profitability.

Meet Ben Ortlip,
Culture Specialist.

Ben codifies culture for some of the most admired companies in the world and has spent thirty years exploring how culture impacts performance and profitability.

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